Showing posts with label John Chivington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Chivington. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Piece Articles: 5 Horrible People overlooked by history. Number 4: John Chivington

Many Americans can't look to USA and see really bad people... There are the bad ones and even the worst ones. But maybe John Chivington surpassed them all, because of what a coward he was...
He was the commander under the Sandcreek Massacre, where him and his possibly drunken soldiers attacked and killed some Cheyenne and Arapaho people who where settling there under American Flag with a promise from the government that they wouldn't be touched...
The story goes like this. On the night of November 28 of 1864 Chivington (a renowned Indian hater for some reason) got his ass drunk and decided that would kill some Indians next morning. The problem is that those Indians were protected by the United States and hold no guns. Making this what could be the first act of American hate ever on indigenous people. (Joking there were many others.) So what happened is that after seeing the cavalry charging forwards. Black Kettle, the leader of the Indians issued a white flag. This in no means made the things better. 163 Indians were killed by shooting or stabbing. John M. Chivington faced three separate hearings, but no official action was ever taken. If that wasn't bad already, later he also sent soldiers to kill his own captain Mr. Silas Soule who declared that would testify against him.