Monday, August 13, 2012

Piece Articles: 5 Horrible People overlooked by history. Number 5: António de Oliveira Salazar

Hello this section is called piece small articles. I took this idea from the articles on In fact this first article (divided in 5 pieces) was originally a pitch I did for cracked a while ago. It was dismissed because it was too dark. More parts coming out later this week...

Every time I think of cracked I think about Chuck Norris.

This guy was ballsy nuts!
Ok here is something you should know about the Portuguese as a monarchic empire. These guys were the first nation that abolished slavery and one of the first ones that abolished death penalty too, even before the United States. Remember this, it will be important later...
Then came António de Oliveira Salazar (known as "Salazar" to the Portuguese People), and then all the kind of shit happened...
Right out of beginning he declared himself "O Salvador da Patria", translated "The Savior of the Nation". Actually, he made propaganda, by photo-shopping his head in the body of Afonso Henriques, aka the founder of Portugal 800 freaking years before him... If you have difficulty on picturing this, imagine Nixon making propaganda by photo-shopping his face on the body of George Washington...
But this was nothing. Oh no, this was just the beginning...  You see, Salazar risen up to the power in 1932, right before the freaking World War II... He was smart and he decided to become Neutral in that war... But actually he was even smarter because he made money out of it... 
Also, remember that whole thing of the Jewish holocaust? Well he out of spite gave visas to Jew people coming out of North Europe, but refused to let them pass with those visas in France and Spain... During and after war neither the Allies, neither the Axis touched him, not even Hitler... Speaking out of it, Hitler never complained that he was giving Visa to Jews, except for one Portuguese diplomat, who was caught doing it... Salazar punished him by condemning him to a life of poverty... But Hitler knew it better already, because Salazar started a colonial war with every single one of the old Portuguese African and Asian Colonies that lasted even after his own death... In fact one Indian Operation to recover Portuguese occupied territories was so bloody that made almost 4000 Portuguese POWS in just 36 hours. (Not to talk about a civil revolution that ended in the killing of many, and the fleeing of many others who had rich lives there some of them Indian.)
Salazar also started his own police force, who was in charge of a espionage network and of manhunt, torture and kill literally everyone who was against him... Among the other achievements, he also: faked an election only to win and kill the opposite candidate in a manhunt through Spain and paid to build a bridge in the biggest Iberian River only to name it after himself in the end...
Oh and before following a political career he considered a career as a Catholic priest... Also his influence was so big in Portuguese Soil, that recently the Portuguese People, still suffering of Stockholm Syndrome, declared him the "Best Portuguese who ever lived" in a Tv Show... Hitler had a lot to learn with this guy...


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