Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

So lets talk about... Political Prostituition.

Yesterday I was at the pirate bay. I am not going to show the link because I can't really show anything illegal here. Any it related to the video above and to the link to the site political-prostitution. And I am amazed to hear about SOPA related things more than 6 months before. During my search yesterday I also saw the site demonoid was also shut down. I think a bit around the world America is trying to save Hollywood by shutting sites and by extraditing people so in order to save Hollywood. The truth is Hollywood is became somewhat of a nuisance anyway. They just can't create new content, so they contemplate on doing remixes of old movies, over and over again and this is not even news. Smosh recently made a video joking exactly with that. (See the link below.)

See its funny knowing the the good people of Youtube can make better content with much lower budgets. And I don't care if Hollywood is pissed at the World because the World is competition. What pisses me about is the level of corruption in politics. By that I mean our politicians (even here in Europe yes), are standing for the big shots instead of supporting who elects them. How far is that for the people, if our leader don't root for us. We pay the taxes don't we? Why they need to take on millions given by big shots and make a blind eye to the people.
Dvds are extremely expensive, music too. So we need to pay barrels of money to all the content we want to watch? So they can be even more rich and mess with us again. Is our choice between watching less content or pay more money? Because if we paid for all we watch we would be starving!
On a last note (and I know I am writing about my personal agenda but that was explicit since the beginning of the blog) we need to find politicians with more virtues, we shouldn't let anyone enter into politics (I know I didn't vote for half of the people on my parliament, and somewhat that scares me). Or instead we should give more power into our countries decisions. You know a bit more of direct democracy. Don't you agree?

I agree that together we could make a change. By the way since I am giving this older post link, check also other of my ideas under the tag Floating Debt Speculation. Go head don't be shy, and tell me after what you think ;) . Thank you all!

Ps: If changethis doesn't help me with the manifesto I will make it and share with you all here and at squidoo, give it a month or two.

Pps: Go watch the political prostitution site above, it is important. It speaks mainly about US trying to extradit anyone who shares illegal content even if it is indirectly? Isn't this mad? I bet there are terrorist more worth of extradition U.S. ;)

Update: If you want to know more about this Non Sense of SOPA, see this amazing video by Kirby Ferguson that explains all. (It was from the time it was a REAL menace.)

Protect IP Act Breaks the Internet from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

So lets talk about... Karl Marx and modern politicians.

I want to talk about Karl Marx today. But first I want to say it was hard to find a theme to talk about, yesterday I was busy by creating a lot of post for people at ChangeThis even knowing that I may not be published that I forgot the real objective, that is spread my ideas and talk about my life. So I've been busy trying to expose more my blog.

So today is Karl Marx

(this guy)
I found amusing people connect Marx, with communism. Like marxism-leninism, maoism.
I love communism and socialism, but I can't help but laught at those two. In fact I despise communism, socialism and those marxism the people talk about. And sincerely, if any of those people who invented those fancy-pants marxist theories could met Marx, I am pretty sure he would slap them to death.

"History is not like some individual person, which uses men to achieve its ends. History is nothing but the actions of men in pursuit of their ends." - Karl Marx

Marx believed that we could live in a stateless, classless society. This in my opinion goes against everything people think about him, which are mostly wrong ideas.

Lets put that into analysis. Karl Marx never stood up for one party, things like that belonged to Lenin and Mao Tse Tsung. Both were tyrannical people go read about the Soviet Union , if you want to read about Tsung, say no more why don't you read about a little thing called the Great Leap Forward *cough*. Cracked has also a good article about it and about Mao Tse Tsung and other "Communist" Leaders. Also it surprises me that some of our modern leaders are also followers of these crackpots.

I mean who could relate these people with a guy who once stood for feminism:

"Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included." - Karl Marx

It also surprises me the level of corruption of some modern socialist leaders. I mean if Marx believe one day we would need no leaders. Why all of those act like as if they were the top cream of society. And threat like a piƱata ready to be blown, these weren't nothing related Marx teachings, why do them relate themselves to Marx?

Ok that is enough for now. I think this article has gone long enough.